First post, more or less.
This will be my official writing blog, and hopefully it'll be the one that *lasts.* I've had successful blogs aaand not so successful ones, but I wanted to have one that was more professional than my others - and more informative.
What can I say about writing that hasn't already been said? You can say you're a writer but you don't actually become one until you--what?
Write. How obvious is that? Seriously though there are far too many folks out there who have something hidden in their drawers and they don't call themselves writers. If you write, you're a writer - 'nuff said.
Professional writer, on the other hand, is something else entirely - but not by much. If anyone has paid you anything for speaking about writing or writing in general, you are a professional writer. Even if it's your Great Aunt Sue who thought it would be "nice" to give you money for your first grade poem. Boo-yah - you got paid!
Okay, okay. So maybe that's not the best possible example. But we all put way too much stock in writing and writers. We assume only those we see on the best sellers lists are "official" writers, and that's not true. It's also not true that all professional writers make money off their writing gigs, either. To be honest, there are very very few millionaire writers - even those on the best sellers list. If you write, write because you love it. Write because you wouldn't be happier doing anything else. Write, because (to misquote a commercial)
it's in you. If you have the gift, share it with the world. Doesn't matter if it's big or small.
A writer is simply someone who shares his or her vision using words. We're all writers. Whether or not you choose to be a professional one is up to you, but nothing is impossible.